Members may check out items from our library. List of items is below. Please contact Linda Sorensen (603) 447-4844, [email protected]
Return items to: Linda Sorensen PO Box 198 Eaton Center, NH 03832
NHS&DG Library Book List
Spinning Books
The Essentials of Yarn Design for Handspinners by Mabel Ross, 1983
The Spinner’s Workshop by John Mercer, 1978
Spinning and Weaving with Wool by Paula Simmons, 1978
Color in Spinning by Deb Menz, 1998
Fleece and Fiber Source Book by Robson & Ekarim
The Essentials of Yarn Design for Handspinners, by Mabel Ross, l983
Spin Control, Techniques for Spinning the Yarn You Want by Amy King, 2009
Spinning Designer Yarns, Diane Varney, 1987
Spinning in the Old Way, Priscilla Gibson-Roberts, 2006 (drop spindle)
The Spinner’s Companion, Bobbie Irwin, 2001
No Idle Hands, Stories and History of Spinning; Abridged Audiobook on CD
Linen: Hand Spinning and Weaving by Patricia Baines
Softness and Speed
Pamphlets by Patsy Sue Zawistodki:
Awesome Angora, Bunny Fibers
Boucle, Plying Against a Thread
Dealing with Downy Fibers
Handspinning Cotton, the Last Great Frontier
Spinning Luxury Hair Fibers
Understanding High Tech Fibers, Rayons, Nylon, Polyesters
and more
Dyeing Books
A Dyer’s Garden by Rita Buchanan, 1995
Dyes and Dyeing by Charles E. Pellew, 1913
Indigo, Madder and Marigold by Trudy Van Stralen, 1993
Nature’s Colors, Dyes from Plants by Ida Grae, 1974
The Red Dyes: Cochineal, Madder and Murex
Purple by Gosta Sandberg, 1994
Traditional Scottish Dyes and How to Make Them by Jean Fraser, 1983
Notebook of Dye Samples from Robin Russo’s workshop
Blue and Yellow Don’t Make Green, Michael Wilcox, 1987
Color Mixing by Numbers by Alfred Hickethier 1969
Microwave Dye Book
Rainbow Dyeing, a multi-color approach to dyeing by Nancy L. Morey, 1987
Knitting Books
Bag Style by Pam Allen & Ann Budd, 2007
25 Bags to Knit by Emma Young, 2004
Ethnic Socks & Stockings by Priscilla A. Gibson-Roberts 1995
Felted Crochet by Jane Davis, 2005
Fine & Fanciful Hats to Knit by Anna Zilboorg, 1997
Knitting for Anarchists, Anna Zilboorg, 2002
Knitting in Plain English by Maggie Righetti, l986
Meg Swansen’s Knitting by Meg Swansen, 1999
Mostly Mittens by Charlene Schurch, 1998
Traditional Fair Isle Knitting by Sheila McGregor, 1993
The Natural Knitter – How to Choose, Use and Knit Natural from Alpaca to Yak by Barbara Albright 2007
A Treasury of Knitting Patterns, Barbara G. Walker, 1968
A Second Treasury of Knitting Patterns, Barbara G. Walker, 1970
A Treasury of Charted Knitting, Barbara Walker
A Third Treasury of Knitting Paterns, Charted Knitting Designs Barbaa G. Walker, 1972
The Knitting Experience Book 1: The Knit Stitch, inspiration and instruction by Sally Melville, 2002
The Knitting Experience Book 2: The Purl Stitch, becoming intuitive by Sally Melville
Celtic Knits by Debbie Bliss, 2000
Felted Knits
Floral Knits by Nola Theiss & Chris Rankin, 1991
How to Knit, Debbie Bliss 1999
Idiots Guide to Knit and Crochet
Knit Natural Fibers from Alpaca to Yak, Barbara Albight 2007
Knitter’s Stash, favorite patterns from America’s Yarn Shops by Barbara Albright, 2001
Knitting America, a glorious heritage by Susan M. Strawn 2007
Knitting in the Old Way, Priscilla Gibson-Roberts
Quick Knitted Afghans, 2001
Shadow Knitting by Vivian Hoxbro
Sweaters from new England Sheep Farms by Candace Eisner Strick, 1999
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Knitting and Crocheting, 1999
The Odd-Ball Knitting Book, Debby Robinson, 1988
The Sweater Workshop by Jacqueline Fee, 1983
Vintage Collection, Vogue, 2001
Ply, Issue 1, Summer 2013
Ply, Autumn 2014
Ply, Spring 2017
Ply, Summer 2017
Ply, Winter 2018, The Sock Yarn Issue *Outstanding Issue for those who knit sock!!
Ply, Spring 2019 The Bond and Corriedale Issue
Ply, Autumn 2019, Cloth, woven, knitted, crocheted, felted
Ply, Winter 2020, Warmth
Spin-Off Magazines (misc.)
Vogue Knitting, Fall 2004
Miscellaneous Books
Taylor’s Guide to Herbs, 1995
Textiles in Early New England: Design, Production and Consuption, The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, Annual Proceedings, 1979
Textiles in New England II, Four Centuries of Material Life, The Dublin Seminar for New England
Folklife, Annual Proceedings, 1999
Wool Gathering and Sheep Raising in Old New England by Elizabeth Gemming, 1979
The Camilid Companion, Marty McGee Bennett
Big and Loft Yarns, Maggie Casey
Color and Yarn Design for Spinners, Deb Menz
The Gentle Art of Plying, Judith MacKenzie
How to Card Wool, Rhoades, Casey, Kennedy, Buchanan
Know Your Wheel, Alden Amos and Cindy Lair
Popular Wheel Mechanics, Judith MacKenzie
A Spinners Toolbox, with Judith MacKenzie
Dyeing in the Kitchen, with Deb Menz
Drafting—The Long and the Short of It, Abby Franquemont
How I Spin with Rita Buchanan
12 (Plus!) Ways to Spin Batts, Jillian Moreno
Spin To Weave: Making Unique Cloth from Your Handspun Yarn, Sara Lamb
Wild Fibers
Spinning Cotton, Stephenie Gaustad
Spinning for Lace, Margaret Stove
Spinning Luxury Fibers, Judith MacKenzie
Spin Off, 2008 Magazine collection
VHS Tapes
Fundamentals of Handspinning, with Rachel Brown
Spinning Cotton, Silk and Flax, with Patsy Zawistoski Wolf in the Fold, a BBC Special from PBS
The Joy of Spinning by Marilyn Kluger, 1971
The Spinner’s Workshop by John Mercer, 1978
Spinning and Weaving the Ashford Way
To borrow an item from the library, please contact:
Linda Sorensen
PO Box 198
Eaton Center, NH 03832 (603) 447-4844 [email protected]