Guild Events
2023 – 2024 Upcoming Events:
(* indicates that we are looking for volunteers)
9 November 2024: NHSDG Swap and Sell Meeting
When: Saturday November 9th, 2024, 10am to 3pm
Where: The Epsom Fire Station Community Room, Rte. 4, Epsom, NH
*Bring your stash, tools, or fiber books to sell or to give away.
*The usual Yankee Swap of 4 ounces of fiber will be part of the event, and it’s always fun. Bring yours in an unmarked opaque bag, and put inside the bag a description of the fiber (Breed, Farm, Dying method, etc.)
*Spinning and chatting are always a highlight of the day.
*Potluck Luncheon
***Please bring a covered cup for any beverages and a drop cloth for under your wheel
9 February 2025: Fashion Show, 10:00 – 3:00, location TBA
6 April 2025: 2025 Annual Meeting, TBD.
Non (but still fun) Guild Events
email [email protected] if you have things for us to post.